
Monday, October 08, 2007

EECInetwork - Italy

EECInetwork - Italy: "Woody biomass During the last years, the area cultivated with Short Rotation Forestry has significantly increased from less than 30 ha in 1996 (EECO, 1996) to over 100 ha.

Specifically, the cultivation of Robinia, poplar and eucalyptus has increased sharply.

These crops are in the demonstration and research phase and have been planted within the frame work of specific projects, like the ENEL research programme (see also Short Rotation Forestry in Italy: the ENEL research programme.

The research and demonstration work is directed at the development of efficient production chains, selection of species and adaptation of existing propagation and cultivation techniques to the Italian situation, in view of specific soil and water requirements.

The potential for willow under Italian condition proved low, due to its extremely sensitivity to the dry summer season."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Helge!

Did you know that I'm actually Italian?! Well now you know it. I keep reading more about what you are doing...

Let's stay tuned,


P.S. Thanks for your feedbacks